Blood Tonic Cordial - The Oldest Sweet Shop In The World

Blood Tonic Cordial

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500ml Bottle Fitzpatrick's Herbal Health Botanical Health Drink - Blood Tonic

Rosehips - are high in Vitamin C as well as A D & E, essential fatty acids, iron and antioxidant flovonoids.

Nettles - rich in vitamins and minerals.

The common stinging nettle has been used for centuries to treat conditions such as rheumatism, eczema, arthritis and gout. Mr Fitzpatrick's old fashioned drink - Blood Tonic Cordial - great as a summer punch!

In 19th Century North England, bars selling non alcoholic beverages were common. These bars quite often asked their patrons to sign a pledge of Temperance, meaning that they would abstain from intoxicating liquors!

Just add still or sparkling water to this cordial (or drink hot!) to relive the taste of yesteryear of this old fashioned drink!

Contains health boosting ingredients - Rosehip & Nettle extract and Vitamin A, C, D &E! Read more about it's benefits below.